All on Four Dental Implants

Turkey All on Four Dental Implants Cost | Antalya Tooth Implants



What is All-on-Four?


All-on-Four is a dental implant procedure that four tooth implants are inserted into the lower and upper jawbones, followed by the placement of the whole dental prosthesis. You may use your prosthesis like your natural teeth every day after the all-on-four treatment. This operation makes missing teeth replacement with implants, making it easier for you to eat, talk, and do other everyday activities. Having a well-established history, this implant therapy has proven to be a reliable and successful method, with consistently high success rates. Compared to other implant operations, the technique takes less time and costs less. Since it uses an implant method, a bone transplant is not necessary.



What are the benefits of All-on-four implants?


  • The prosthesis does not move because it is more securely fixed to the implants, and it is an implant study with a very low failure rate.
  • When compared to previous implant studies, the technique takes less time.
  • There is minimal pain since the therapy is short.
  • The All-on-Four procedure retains the remaining teeth since the implants are placed in non-tooth places.
  • Implants endure a very long time and have been used safely for a very long time.
  • You won't have any trouble using the dentures in your daily life since they will seem to be real teeth.
  • The cost is low since not all teeth undergo implant dentistry.
  • The patient's oral anatomy is not impacted by the placement of four implants in the lower and upper jaws.
  • Since the prosthesis is supported by implants inserted in the jaw, getting used to it is easy and rapid.
  • Bone grafting is not necessary since implants are not placed in areas where the jawbone has been lost.
  • Patients who are unable to adapt to temporary prostheses can undergo this procedure.
  • The prosthesis does not need to be removed for cleaning.
  • Most patients can undergo this procedure without requiring complex surgical intervention.


Advantages of the All-on-4 implants in Turkey


The All-on-4 dental implant method has many advantages that are favoured by many seeking complete dental restoration. Should you contemplate obtaining All-on-4 in Turkey, there exist numerous potential advantages to ponder.


  • Cost-Effectiveness

Turkey is famous for its reasonably priced medical and dental services, such as All-on-4 implants. Considering travel expenses, the overall cost is usually more affordable than other destinations.


  • Experienced Dental Professionals

In Turkey, there are numerous skilled dental practitioners adept in All-on-4 implant procedures. These dentists have gained expertise through extensive training, both domestically and all-on 4 dental implants abroad, guaranteeing exceptional dental care.



  • State-of-the-Art Facilities

In the grand cities of Turkey, one can discover exceptional dental clinics that proudly showcase modern amenities. These establishments offer advanced technology and equipment, ensuring reliable and enjoyable dental care.



  • Efficient treatment

The All-on-4 dentures permit the substitution of an entire dental arch using merely four implants. This efficient approach often entails shorter recovery periods and decreases the necessity for supplementary procedures such as bone grafting.



  • Immediate Results

Right away, patients can get a makeshift prosthesis right after the implant is put in, giving them better looks and function until the final prosthesis is ready.



  • Improved Quality of Life

All-on-4 implants greatly improve one's capacity for speech, eating, and smiling with ease. The steadfast prosthetic ensures reliability and resilience, granting a genuine sensation akin to that of natural teeth.



  • Preservation of Jawbone

The conservation of the jawbone is achieved through the strategic utilization of four implants in All-on-4 procedure. By stimulating the jawbone, this technique thwarts the degeneration of bone and upholds the integrity of one's facial features throughout time.



  • Aesthetic Results

Dentist Turkey possesses the mastery to fashion lifelike prosthetics that harmonize with one's visage and bestow a hollywood smile of exquisite beauty.



  • Tourism Opportunity

Turkey, a wondrous nation boasting exquisite scenery and a heritage steeped in culture, offers a splendid chance for exploration with dental tourism Turkey package. Enhancing the overall delight, one can seamlessly merge the pursuit of dental care with an unforgettable vacation.


However, one must remember that every medical procedure entails its own array of perils and elements to contemplate. Prior to receiving any all on four treatment, including all-on-6 implants, it is essential to seek the advice of a skilled dentist. They will evaluate your individual circumstance, examine your dental condition, and decide if this approach is suitable for you.



Stages of the All-on-4 implantation in Turkey


The procedure is carried out in four steps.


  • Initial Evaluation

Our expert dentists examine the patient's teeth, gums, and jawbone to determine how healthy they are. This process may also use radiological equipment. The patient's suitability for the implant is determined by our dentist.



  • Planning and Measurement Collection

Our experts take measurements of the patient's mouth using tomography and radiographic equipment. Similar to this, the bone's thickness is evaluated to determine if a bone transplant is necessary. The prosthesis is made using the measurements.



  • Inserting the Implant

Depending on the patient's condition, the dental implant surgery may be performed under local or general anaesthesia. General anaesthesia may help patients with excessive blood pressure and anxiety problems. If any teeth need to be removed, they are done so initially. Implant insertion is started right away if the bone loss caused by tooth extraction is insufficient to prevent treatment. If substantial bone loss occurs, a bone transplant is used. Either a local or general anaesthetic is administered to the patient. To accommodate the implant, the necessary holes in the jawbone are made. Gum gaps may be filled with implants. In contrast to the posterior implants, which are inserted at a 45-degree angle, the front implants are installed at a 90-degree angle. The patient avoids being toothless while undergoing treatment by having a temporary dental prosthesis placed on the implants. It takes between two and six months for the implants to fuse with the jawbone and heal.



  • Attaching the permanent prosthesis

When the implants have healed and bonded to the jawbone, all for 4 temporary prosthesis is removed. The permanent prosthesis, which is manufactured specifically for the patient, is supported by the implants. The patient is not uncomfortable during the permanent prosthesis installation since local anaesthetic is not needed.


After this, you must follow the control programme that our dentists have advised. Regular checkups and good health can help your implants last longer.



All on 4 Implant Procedure

Using four carefully placed dental implants, the All-on-4 treatment is a sophisticated way to replace an entire arch of missing or badly damaged teeth. Steps may be slightly different depending on the patient's wants and the dentist's approach to this process. About the All-on-4 tooth implant process in general:



  • First Consultation and Examination:

The process starts with a meeting with a trained dentist or oral surgeon. The dentist will check the health of your mouth, take X-rays, and maybe even a CT scan to see how your jawbone is doing and to see if you can get the All-on-4 care.



  • Treatment Planning:

The dentist will make a personaliseddental treatment plan for you after evaluating your mouth health. Your visual tastes, the amount of missing or broken teeth, and the health of your jawbone will all be taken into account in this plan.



  • Preparation and Extraction (if needed):

Any broken or decayed teeth in the arch may need to be manually removed before the implant process. Occasionally, this can be carried out the same day as the implant placement.



  • Implant placement:

The dentist will give you local anaesthesia with sedation on the day of the operation to make sure you're comfortable. Later, all-on-implants will be put in the jawbone in a way that makes sense. Two implants are usually put in the front of the jaw, where the bone is naturally thicker, and two tilted implants are put in the back to give the dentures the most support and security.



  • Temporary Prosthesis:

The implants are usually connected to a temporary fixed replacement (denture) on the same day of the surgery. Although your implants are still healing and integrating with your jawbone, this temporary tooth replacement lets you have natural-looking teeth that work.



  • Healing Period:

While the implants are healing, they will eventually join with the jawbone. This is called osseointegration. Your food and oral health will need to be careful during this time, which usually lasts a few months.



  • Final Prosthesis:

After the dental implants have fully fused with the bone and the healing time is over, a final set prosthesis (denture) will be made to fit your mouth perfectly. Usually, this device is made from long-lasting materials that look like real skin. This makes it comfy and decent-looking.



  • Follow-up Visits:

Regular follow-up visits with your doctor are necessary to check on the dental health of your implants, prosthesis, and mouth health in general.


The All-on-4 tooth implant process should only be done by a skilled and experienced dentist. Treatment success and life depend on careful planning, exact implant placement, and the right follow-up care. Never do the All-on-4 treatment without first talking to a skilled dentist.



Care after All-on-four implants

The following suggestions should be taken into consideration in order to hasten the healing process after all-on-four surgery and make the best use of permanent prostheses:

  • For two hours after treatment, nothing should be consumed before choosing a juicy, soft supper.
  • Bleeding may occur after the placement of the implant and the temporary prosthesis, but it may be managed with little intervention. Spitting out the bleeding shouldn't be done since it will only make it worse.
  • Some soreness after implant implantation is possible. You may take painkillers that your dentist has recommended.
  • Keep the head elevated after treatment to avoid swelling and bruising on the face.
  • During the first several days, the jaw muscles should be used as little as possible.
  • The first day should be avoided for dental and oral care.
  • After 36 hours of treatment, mouthwash should be used to clean the teeth and mouth.
  • In the first week, meals should be consumed warm due to dental sensitivity. Throughout the duration of the temporary prosthesis, soft meals should be consumed.
  • The face should be protected against possible impacts until a permanent prosthesis is fitted; these impacts might have an adverse effect on the course of therapy.
  • It's best to stop drinking and smoking for a while.
  • Don't use hot water to clean the teeth, and don't clean them as well as you can, since that could cause them to get bent.
  • You need to get regular checkups.
  • Prosthetics shouldn't be cleaned with hard objects.
  • Dentures shouldn't be taken out often, and replacements should be done carefully. The prosthesis' healthy use and lifespan may be reduced owing to loosening around the implants if you are not careful when placing them in place.
  • Try to limit the stress on your jaw during the first several days. Prefer soft foods, refrain from overusing your dentures, see your dentist if an unexpected situation develops, and visit your dentist every six months.
  • The integration of the implants into the bone will take many weeks. As the implants attach to the bone, they will get stronger. Throughout this process, you must abide by your dentist's instructions.


All-on-four dental implants Turkey Reviews


However, in general, patient All-on-four dental implants reviews about the All-on-4 concept can be positive for those who have had successful outcomes in Turkey. Some common positive aspects that patients may mention in their reviews include:


  • Improved Quality of Life

Patients often appreciate how the All-on-4 implants significantly enhance their ability to eat, speak, and smile comfortably. The fixeddental implants offer stability and confidence, similar to natural teeth.


  • Aesthetics

Patients may praise the natural appearance of the prosthesis, which complements their facial features and provides them with an attractive smile.


  • Convenience

All-on-4 implants can be an excellent solution for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth, as they offer a streamlined treatment that requires fewer implants and often avoids the need for additional bone grafting.


  • Shorter Treatment Time

Compared to traditional implant methods, All-on-4 implants can provide faster results and a quicker overall treatment process.


  • Cost-Effectiveness

Many patients may express satisfaction with the value they receive from the All-on-4 procedure, particularly if they choose to have the treatment in Turkey, where all on 4 implant prices can be more affordable.


On the other hand, there might be some negative reviews or challenges that patients could face. These can include:


  • Healing Process

Some patients may experience discomfort or issues during the healing phase after the implant placement, such as swelling or minor soreness.


  • Adaptation Period

Patients may need a period of adaptation to become accustomed to the new prosthesis and familiarize themselves with its sensation and functionality.


  • Individual Variations

Every patient's experience can be unique, and the success of the All-on-4 procedure may vary depending on individual factors, such as bone density, oral hygiene practices, and overall health.


  • Aftercare and Maintenance

Patients must maintain good oral hygiene and follow their dentist's instructions for caring for the implants and prostheses to ensure longevity.


It's essential to remember that patient reviews are anecdotal and might not represent everyone's experience. Before undergoing the All-on-4 dental implant Turkey, it is crucial to confer with our competent dentist, converse about your particular circumstances, and grasp the possible hazards and advantages contingent on your distinct oral well-being.



How much do All-on-4 implants cost in Turkey?


The price of all-on-4 dental implants in Turkey ranges between € 3000 and € 5000.



All on Four Dental Implants
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At Unique Smile in Turkey, we treat hundreds of people every year, most of whom find it very economical to fly down to Antalya, Turkey specifically for their dental work. Who would not wish to have an affordable and quality dental care combined with an exotic vacation in a city full of beaches and historical places!

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